We have decided upon five different locations for our shoot this is a hard task to pull off as many music videos do not have different locations and makes filming harder but we thought that it was essaintial to do so to break the mould of normal A2 music productions which most are situated in schools or in a near by forest. For our Locations we have Chosen Clacton-on-sea this is where the first half of our story will be shot as we thought it would signify the job to older age from the young kids at the seaside to the young adults in the busy cobbled streets of london. We also have three other locations including the dark room scene which will be shoot in a real dark room to make it look as professional as it can be and Georgie's gran and granddads house in the living room for the final sequence of our video. The chorus of our music video will be shot in varies places around the country to make it more interesting instead of a plan boring white background that is commonly done.
- Pier
- Beach
- Town (high street)
- Corn Fields
- Millenium Bridge
- Covent Garden
- Brick Lane
- Oxford Street
- Piccadilly circus
Dark Room
Grandparents Living Room (They Will Look Happier then this on the shoot)